Sunday 30 June 2013

Killer Queen

We had our own share of Glastonbury last night, here in St Ives.

While the Rolling Stones were struggling through their set to a massive audience down in Somerset, we were at a ram-shackle football club with a rather small crowd that only filled half the pitch. I believe the objective was to raise money for a new ground and club-house.

After an inauspicious start (they took our booze away!) we set up our folding chairs around the half-way line to watch a local soul act who were the main support. Dan thought it was fine, but Hanna and I looked tired and apprehensive, as did most of the crowd.

I had expected the audience to me mixed in age and they were, but mostly we were baby-boomers. The Rotarians came in jeans and yellow Cashmeres while other captains of industry, military officers and local government workers tended to wear black. The ladies looked more up-for-it in the clothes they would have worn to Glasto, if they had gone.

The headline act was a Queen tribute band called Killer Queen. They took the evening by ears, gave it a good shake and turned our shabby field into a maga-stadium as they ran through perfect copies of all Queen's hits at a furious pace. They had Dan bouncing like a pogo stick and all of us waving our arms in the air for two hours.

If they come your way, it will be a good night out, I promise.


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