Friday 10 May 2013

Dan's 19th Birthday

It's been a couple of weeks since Dan's 19th birthday and the only thing that has changed is that he is now "Pub Boy!" He loves to hang out in bars and drink diet coke, crunch ice and oggle the natives. I quite like those things too, except the diet coke.

Nigel and Alex Lambton:
They are mad, but are they scientists?
For his birthday each year we choose a theme. Last year it was "B Movies" and this time it was "Mad Science". We planned to have a guest performer doing mad science experiments but this proved too expensive so we decided to have a do-it-yourself session.

Nick and Gabs set up an experiment to get an egg inside a bottle by creating a vacuum. It was a hard boiled egg: probably a pickled egg would have been better, or a very small egg, or a very large bottle. Plastic bottles, we learned, are no good because they collapse under pressure, leaving the egg intact. Milk bottles are good because they are stronger than your average egg. Our egg split in half, but we managed to get about a tenth of it in a bottle, so on the second attempt, we were 10% successful. It may be worth another go sometime, but count me out.

"So, what's your specialism?"
"Embalming, mostly."
Holly and Kathryn performed another egg-speriment that involved pickling a hard boiled egg, complete with shell, in a jar of vinegar. The result was like Barnes Wallis's bouncing bomb, except it didn't bounce or explode. We kept it for a few days until Dan got it his hands on it. (You can imagine the outcome).  They also performed a series of onion related experiments that should not be repeated by onionone.......ever.

It has to be said that we have evolved a pretty good formula for a party for a broad age-range. Obviously, snacks and drinks are essential, but the secret ingrediant is to have an ample supply of Nerf-guns on hand, along with a sack-full of ammo. For a deviant minority, a bowl of onions and a bag of clothes-pegs is equally effective. A week after the party we were still finding nerf darts, onions and clothes-pegs all over the garden and even our neighbours gardens. One peg was attached to a branch, high in an apple tree, in the middle of next door's garden! How it got there, I've no idea, but I know who did it.

Mad? Who'se mad?
Sadly my own demonstration, involving the simulation of the discovery of the world's largest tape-worm, was banned for reasons of public health and the sensitivities of some of the older guests.  Perhaps next time?

Dan's birthday provides an opportunity to celebrate a great kid who has a massive personality and achieves a so much despite his handicaps. It is also a chance to enjoy the company of his friends and carers.

Thanks to all those who came along and joined in with such gusto.

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