Friday 10 May 2013

It's the Rocky Horror Show

This is from the monthly
"spot the odd one out" competition.

Who are these people?
Dan's birthday treat was an evening out in Cambridge where we saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Corn Exchange.

I'm assuming you all know about this show? Perhaps you have seen the movie? It starred Tim Currie as the transvestite Frank N. Furter who made his own DIY boyfriend. If not: Hey Ho, never mind. I'll talk to someone else then.

This is one of the great Midnight Movies that you go to see in drag, or at least in costume, and then sing or talk along with the script. Dan loves this movie and also "Little Shop of Horrors" and "Son of Frankenstein".

This is Cambridge after all.
The show we went to see was the proper musical, which departs from the movie in several ways but has all the same ingredients and set pieces. I enjoyed it better than the movie because we had a live band, imaginative sets, a great cast, sound and lighting. Flawless really. This is a West End production on tour with the standard of performance you might expect.

For a show like this, the audience plays an important role and some of us were really up for it. Some of us were too much up for it! The men in thongs and stockings were a bit much for the ladies in our party, but I think that was ageism actually. Older men in tights don't quite have the sex appeal to carry off the transvestite style for a straight audience. I mean, a good looking guy is a good looking guy, even if he is in a dress, whereas an old codger should be wearing a flat cap and smoking a pipe, not cavorting in fishnets and wearing a pouch...... 'See what I mean? It's ageism.
No trousers? Who cares?

I didn't wear tights, or a thong: I went as a deviant dentist. I actually met another middle-aged guy there who was dressed as a dentist, but he had no trousers on, so he probably was a dentist. Who knows?

There were moments when Dan looked a bit confused. With raised eyebrows he would sign "Pretty Lady" by stroking his cheek. I would respond by rubbing my hairy chin and saying "No Dan, it's a man." He would go very quiet.

There are some good songs in the show and absolutely everyone has to get up and do the "Timewarp" which is like a Transylvanian "Macarena". (Have I lost you again?)  Everyone knows the moves and the words. I'm sure you do too. "Let's do the Timewarp again!" (You take a jump to the left....etc.) Oh forget it!

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