Wednesday 9 October 2013


Peterborough seems to us to be coming up in the world. We have always looked to Cambridge for our shopping, cultural outings, and eating-out because it has more character, more history and there is simply more going on. On the down-side there is the traffic to consider; not just in town but on the notorious A14 that we have to drive on to get there.

I'm not saying that Peterborough has more going on than Cambridge, but it has a lot more than it used to. The Council has achieved this by forming a culture and leisure trust called "Vivacity" that has taken on the public side of the town's museums, theatres, galleries, libraries, country parks and sports facilities. They have got off to a flying start.

This evening we booked a host of autumn theatre events and a ghost walk. The special-needs cycling events we have been on were also organised by Vivacity and then there is the renovated Museum and Art Gallery.

Currently the gallery has an exhibition of paintings by Alfred Wallis. I first came across him at the Kettles Yard Gallery in Cambridge where they have quite a few of his works. His paintings always brings a smile to my face. Look him up.

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