Tuesday 8 October 2013

Special Bikes

Amber goes so fast she blurs.

Now that Dan has finished with school, his week has to be filled with stimulating things to do. Like a big puppy, he needs plenty of exercise and cycling is the best way to get him going at the moment.

Nina and Dan
We have had a Hase Pino tandem since he was little, but now it is getting difficult for Hanna to manage him on two wheels. I still use it with Dan and it is really easy to transport on a car; just like any other bike.

We tried tricycles but they turn over if you steer and brake at the same time. Quadricycles seem to be the answer, especially if you take into account that Dan is often with carers when he is out. Sitting side by side is very sociable too, but you need to use paths that are wide enough to accommodate the bike, and that includes all the bridges!

Sharon says "Why don't we get a 3 seater?"

Dan and Hanna

Transportability is another big issue with side-by-side bikes. Some come apart, but are less sturdy than the one-piece bikes. The answer in the short term is to hire one at the local country parks, but they are not always available and it means an expedition. We are thinking of buying a four-wheel, two-seater bike and a small trailer to go behind our car. What do you think?

The bike in most of the photos (with a red frame) is brilliant but very large and heavy. The Roam quadricycle is lighter but still strong. The only problem is the price; over £3000.

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