Sunday 26 May 2013

Twylight Shadows

Our friend Richard organised a great night out at the RAFA Club in St Neots: a live band, a fish supper and good company.

The band "The Twylight Shadows" played their full-on brand of 60s and 70s pop to a full house. At heart, they are a Cliff and the Shadows tribute band, but they threw in a host of other songs from that era.

Our son Dan loved every minute of it, but we only stayed until 10 pm. The second half must have been a riot! A lot of people were up and dancing early on, so I expect everyone who could still stand was up by the end.

Well done to all of those concerned. Let's have more nights like this.

Scroll down to see just a few of my photos. You can see more of them in a slide-show on PHOTOBUCKET. (Click on the link).

If you want to download them to keep, you can do that from Photobucket if you stop the slide-show and open the album.

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